About Us
22n Century Womxn is a purpose-driven community that works to influence womxns’ lives on the micro- and macro-level: through community events, workshops and activism.
22nd Century Womxn aims to explore the challenges that women of today collectively face and to remove them. We work towards keeping the rights we already have, to preventing backsliding and to gaining full equality and equity.
Our goal is to positively impact the womxn of the 22nd century, like many brave womxn before us did for us.
Meet The Co-Founder
Barbara Russ is a journalist, co-founder and passionate feminist. She joined the team in 2023 intending to make sure that humans of all gender identities and expressions have and get to keep equal opportunities, bodily autonomy and equal rights in this century and beyond.
Have You Ever Thought About The Year 2100 ?
The Legacy of Time
By the year 2100, we will most likely be gone. History. But our voices and actions can still reverberate.Â
What Truly Matters
What do you want to leave behind for future generations of womxn?
Rethinking Priorities
Together, let's shift from the pursuit of temporary to lasting happiness and purpose.Â
22nd Century Womxn aims to explore the challenges that women of today collectively face and to remove them. We work towards keeping the rights we already have and to prevent backsliding.Â
We want to positively impact the womxn of the future century, like the womxn before us did for us.Â
We have identified the six areas that will make the biggest difference in their lives:Â

We are a purpose-driven community that works to influence womxn’s lives on the micro- and macro-level: through community events, workshops and activism.Â